Thursday, June 2, 2016

Musings on 5/31/16: The Real Donald Trump... T-shirt

An anecdote from twenty years ago.

Running into a colleague as I left the office one evening, I expressed frustration with my unsuccessful efforts to get through to a patient in the Borderline range of development (psychologically speaking). He smiled wryly, nodded knowingly, and said, remember, they all wear t-shirts that say ALWAYS THE VICTIM; NEVER RESPONSIBLE; AND REALLY ANGRY. This phrase has always stuck with me.

It also happens to describe Trump perfectly (which makes sense since narcissism is a variation of borderline personality). Think about it:

Trump is Always the VictimThe Donald's belief in his victimization can be seen in his perpetual pattern of perceiving people to have treated him unfairly. Indeed, this is his default explanation for loosing a primary or caucus, not winning an argument, and being outplayed politically. Examples abound.

Trump is Never Responsible. His primary method of responding to public approbation and confrontation by journalists, after another of his nauseating declarations, is denial. He flat-out denies saying what he said. This, even in the face of news outlets spending weeks airing video showing his denial to be untrue. Narcissists lean heavily on defensive denial. However, when the Donald is not using this primitive defense, he uses a conscious version of it, plausible deniability. See Musings on 3/4: Applied Clinton Speak for a complete explanation of this.

Trump is Really Angry. In 1,000 words...

That about sums it up. 

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