1-There is nothing more important to the
President-Elect than being successful and
2-Morality in general, and honesty in particular,
are instruments (among others) used to achieve
success and admiration ; neither carries an
3-The Donald will not take responsibility for any
ill-conceived action or comment, however intense the blowback is.
4-When Trump is forced to confront his bad
behavior, he ignores it, denies it, or rationalizes
it as the result of being victimized.
5-The POTUS-Elect feels entitled to special
treatment and thus also feels victimized by
others' criticism of him.
6-When Donald feels victimized, he becomes
angry and publicly shames the object(s) of his
7-Mr. Trump is neither insightful nor prone to guilt, partially
accounting for his ability to tolerate his own contradictions and hypocrisy.
8-In his worldview, people are tools and not
intrinsically valuable.
9-In his worldview, history, precedent and
protocol are irrelevant.
Stay tuned for more on each of these.
[There is a problem with the mobile reformatting of this post. My apologies.]
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